Sustainable Safety Culture

Create a Sustainable Safety Culture

Lower Your Rates with a Focus on Safety

For over six decades we’ve seen time and again how the safest companies get the lowest rates. Traditional approaches to controlling losses are not enough. It takes a strong leadership-driven and employee-supported safety culture to prove to insurance carriers you’re doing what it takes to reduce your risk.

Why is it important to build a Sustainable Safety Culture?

The safest companies receive the lowest insurance rates.

Traditional loss control is just a start, not the solution.

An effective safety culture makes employees feel empowered, supported, and valued.

Reactive safety compliance doesn’t produce long-term savings.

There are

4 types of safety cultures

Which one sounds like your business? Hint: Most organizations stop at Compliant.


A Reactive safety culture relies on the best judgment and common sense of employees to prevent incidents with little to no support or guidance from management. When push comes to shove, sales or deadlines win out over safety concerns.


Compliant safety cultures check the boxes on legal requirements with high-level support from management but minimal follow-through. Mid-level employees are driven to keep themselves and each other accountable out of fear of reprisals, and the whole organization is motivated to primarily avoid penalties or repercussions.


An Active safety culture rewards and recognizes good safety and helps employees feel valued for demonstrating and reinforcing safe habits. Management is committed to providing appropriate training and equipment, regularly tracking and reviewing operations, and ensuring immediate reporting and response.


We believe in helping you build a Sustainable Safety Culture not just to lower costs but because it’s the right thing to do. It makes employees feel valued and empowered to identify risks and make safe decisions for themselves and each other. It actively engages management in setting a positive example. It creates policies, practices, and procedures that are designed to adapt to the safety needs of the workplace.

5 Guys Roofing

Developing A Strong Safety Culture

Text about the video.


“The biggest thing LeBaron & Carroll has done for us is they’ve helped us create a safety culture here in our company.”
- C. Solomon

4 Steps to a Sustainable Safety Culture

Step 1: Measure

Take our survey to learn what kind of safety culture you currently have.

Step 2: Analyze

Review the survey report to learn how people responded at every level of your organization, better understand your current safety culture, and identify improvements you need to make. Keep in mind that different parts of your business may exhibit different safety cultures.

Step 3: Plan

Work with your team to create an action plan focused on the areas that will do the most to help you become more attractive to insurance companies. If you’re a LeBaron & Carroll client, we’ll provide you with an annual action plan outlining specific steps you can take to develop a Sustainable Safety Culture.

Step 4: Execute

Get to work implementing your plan and constantly evaluate how you’re doing. If you need help, our safety team can work with you to accomplish your action plan and provide guidance and insights.

Earn the lowest

Rates and Best Coverage

When you build a Sustainable Safety Culture you’ll earn credits from insurance carriers eager to do everything they can to earn your business. Plus, you’ll get benefits that go beyond your bottom line.

Lower Insurance Costs

The math is pretty simple. Reduce your number of insurance claims, and the severity of each of those claims, and you’ll spend less time and money managing and paying for them. You’ll also earn a lower risk profile that could qualify you for significant discounts on your insurance.

Empowered Employees

With a Sustainable safety culture, your employees will feel empowered to do what it takes to watch out for each other and remain safe on the job. They’ll feel valued and more dedicated to their work and your business, and you’ll be more likely to retain your most skilled workers.

Efficient and Safe Operations

Less frequent and severe claims mean your operations continue to run efficiently and effectively. Employees can return to work faster, you’ll experience less turnover, and you can rest easy knowing you’re doing what’s needed to keep everybody safe.

Earn the lowest

Rates and Best Coverage

When you build a Sustainable Safety Culture you’ll earn credits from insurance carriers eager to do everything they can to earn your business. Plus, you’ll get benefits that go beyond your bottom line.

Lower Insurance Costs

The math is pretty simple. Reduce your number of insurance claims, and the severity of each of those claims, and you’ll spend less time and money managing and paying for them. You’ll also earn a lower risk profile that could qualify you for significant discounts on your insurance.

Empowered Employees

With a Sustainable Safety Culture, your employees will feel empowered to do what it takes to watch out for each other and remain safe on the job. They’ll feel valued and more dedicated to their work and your business, and you’ll be more likely to retain your most skilled workers.

Efficient and Safe Operations

Less frequent and severe claims mean your operations continue to run efficiently and effectively. Employees can return to work faster, you’ll experience less turnover, and you can rest easy knowing you’re doing what’s needed to keep everybody safe.

We make business insurance easy, seamless, and personal by understanding your business and staying ahead of your needs so you know what to expect.

Explore our video series to see how we can help you lower your overall insurance costs and navigate coverages and claims.

Business Insurance Doesn’t Get Easier Than This

Employee Safety Manual for Construction

Start Building Your Sustainable Safety Culture

Not sure where to start? We’ve developed a simple survey tool to help you identify your safety culture and our dedicated safety staff will help you turn the results into a detailed plan. Take the survey and get the answers you need to plan for a safer future.